Im Kapitel Directory Struktur finden Sie im Directory /home/heimo die Applikationen die gestartet werden sollen. Im Beispiel der Directory Struktur wird der Start aller für die Applikation wichtigen Funktionen durch das Script /home/heimo/gme-start durchgeführt. /home/heimo/gme-start erzeugt ein File im /dev Directory mit Hilfe des Scripts /home/heimo/mkdev, lädt den Kerneldriver der für das Lesen der Handshakeleitungen von der seriellen Schnittstelle dient und startet die Applikation gme-read.
Damit bleibt nun die Frage, wie wird nach dem erfolgreichen Start des Kernels und aller Dämonen, Ihr Applikationsstartscript (im Beispiel /home/heimo/gme-start) gestartet? Dies erfolgt durch das Startscript /etc/init.d/rc.S . Das Script rc.S ist zuständig für den Start aller Dämonen (syslogd, sshd, smbd, nmbd, usw.), für das Mounten aller Dateisysteme, aktivieren der seriellen Schnittstellen, und startet das Script /etc/init.d/ das für das Aktivieren des Netzwerks verantworltlich ist.
Nachfolend das Script rcS:
#! /bin/sh
# (C) 2002 by Heimo Schön / /
# Bootscript for the GME - Geschwindikeitsmeßeinrichtung
mkdir /dev/pts
/bin/mount -t devpts devpts /dev/pts
/bin/mount -t tmpfs none /tmp
/bin/echo "Mounting filesystems..."
/bin/mount /proc
/bin/mount -a
###mount /dev/proc /proc/ -t proc
###echo "Mounting the flashdisk ..."
###mount -o sync /dev/hda1 /flashdisk 2>&1 > /dev/null
echo "Activating Serial 2 and 3 ..."
# Devices onboard of the MSM586
/bin/setserial /dev/ttyS0 irq 4 port 0x3F8 uart 16550A
/bin/setserial /dev/ttyS1 irq 3 port 0x2F8 uart 16550A
/bin/setserial /dev/ttyS2 irq 5 port 0x3E8 uart 16550A
/bin/setserial /dev/ttyS3 irq 7 port 0x2E8 uart 16550A
# port C,D on the AIM104-4-port-serialdevice (if present)
/bin/setserial /dev/ttyS4 irq 10 port 0x330 uart 16550A
/bin/setserial /dev/ttyS5 irq 11 port 0x338 uart 16550A
echo ""
echo "Serial ports on this machine:"
/bin/setserial -g /dev/ttyS?
echo ""
/bin/echo "Sourcing the Config-Script ..."
. /etc/init.d/rc.config
# set up motd and issue (and show which kernel we use today)
/bin/echo " [*] $(uname -a) [*]" >> /etc/nanobox.dpy
/bin/cp /etc/nanobox.dpy /etc/motd
/bin/cp /etc/nanobox.dpy /etc/issue
/bin/echo "Setting hostname to gme..."
/bin/hostname $GME_HOSTNAME
/bin/echo "Starting network configuration..."
echo "sending bootmessage to ttyS0 ..."
/bin/cat /etc/nanobox.dpy > /dev/ttyS0
/bin/cat /etc/nanobox.dpy
### We moved this stuff to inittab!!!
###/bin/echo "Starting GME Application ..."
###/home/heimo/gme-start &
Nachfolend das Script
# (C) 2002 by Heimo Schön / /
# Bootscript for the GME - Geschwindikeitsmeßeinrichtung
# abstract:
# this script brings up the network
echo "Bringing up loopback interface"
/sbin/ifconfig lo up
#echo Starting interactive network setup...
#for dev in `/bin/cat /proc/net/dev | /bin/grep eth | /bin/sed 's/^[ \t]*//;s/:/ / ' | /usr/bin/cut -d\ -f1`
# echo "Use network interface $dev? [y/N] "
# read ans
# if [ "$ans" = "y" -o "$ans" = "Y" ]
# then
# echo "Configure $dev using DHCP? "
# read ans
# if [ "$ans" = "y" -o "$ans" = "Y" ]
# then
# /sbin/udhcpc -n -i $dev -s /etc/udhcpc.script
# else
# echo "Please enter the IP address for $dev: "
# read ip
# echo "Please enter the subnet mask for $dev: "
# read netmask
# echo "Configuring eth0... "
# /sbin/ifconfig $dev inet $ip netmask $netmask up
# fi
# ip=`/sbin/ifconfig $dev | /bin/grep inet | /usr/bin/cut -d: -f2 | /usr/bin/cut -d" " -f1`
# ifaces="$ifaces $ip/24"
# fi
echo "Setting up eth0 to $ip"
/sbin/ifconfig eth0 inet $ip netmask $GME_MASK up
#set interfaces line in smb.conf
#####echo "interfaces = $ifaces" >> /etc/smb.conf
#echo "Please enter the address of your default gateway [none]: "
#read defaultgw
#if [ "defaultgw" != "" ]
# then
# /sbin/route add default gw $defaultgw
/sbin/route add default gw $GME_GATEWAY
#echo "Please enter your workgroup: "
#read workgrp
#echo "workgroup = $workgrp" >> /etc/smb.conf
#####echo "workgroup = ARBEITSGRUPPE" >> /etc/smb.conf
echo "Configuring DNS..."
#echo "Please enter your DNS domain [$workgrp]: "
#read domain
#if [ "$domain" != "" ]
# echo "search $domain" >> /etc/resolv.conf
# echo "search $workgrp" >> /etc/resolv.conf
#echo "search ternitz" >> /etc/resolv.conf
#echo "Please enter the address of your primary DNS server [none]: "
#read dns0
#if [ "$dns0" != "" ]
# echo "nameserver $dns0" >> /etc/resolv.conf
#echo "nameserver $GME_GATEWAY" >> /etc/resolv.conf
#echo "Please enter the address of your secondary DNS server [none]: "
#read dns1
#if [ "$dns1" != "" ]
# echo "nameserver $dns1" >> /etc/resolv.conf
#echo "nameserver $GME_GATEWAY" >> /etc/resolv.conf
echo "starting portmapper ..."
#echo "name service cache daemon ..."
echo "starting sshd ..."
#echo "starting telnetd ..."
#/sbin/tcpd in.telnetd
echo "starting the Samba-Server ..."
/etc/init.d/rcS ist also für den Startup des Systems verantwortlich. rcS wird gestartet durch das Programm init. Init wiederum wird gesteuert durch die Init-Tabelle im File /etc/inittab:
# /etc/inittab init(8) configuration for BusyBox
# Copyright (C) 1999,2000 by Lineo, inc. and Erik Andersen
# Copyright (C) 1999,2000,2001 by Erik Andersen <>
# Note, BusyBox init doesn't support runlevels. The runlevels field is
# completely ignored by BusyBox init. If you want runlevels, use sysvinit.
# Format for each entry: <id>:<runlevels>:<action>:<process>
# <id>: WARNING: This field has a non-traditional meaning for BusyBox init!
# The id field is used by BusyBox init to specify the controlling tty for
# the specified process to run on. The contents of this field are
# appended to "/dev/" and used as-is. There is no need for this field to
# be unique, although if it isn't you may have strange results. If this
# field is left blank, it is completely ignored. Also note that if
# BusyBox detects that a serial console is in use, then all entries
# containing non-empty id fields will _not_ be run. BusyBox init does
# nothing with utmp. We don't need no stinkin' utmp.
# <runlevels>: The runlevels field is completely ignored.
# <action>: Valid actions include: sysinit, respawn, askfirst, wait, once,
# ctrlaltdel, and shutdown.
# Note: askfirst acts just like respawn, but before running the specified
# process it displays the line "Please press Enter to activate this
# console." and then waits for the user to press enter before starting
# the specified process.
# Note: unrecognised actions (like initdefault) will cause init to emit
# an error message, and then go along with its business.
# <process>: Specifies the process to be executed and it's command line.
# Note: BusyBox init works just fine without an inittab. If no inittab is
# found, it has the following default behavior:
# ::sysinit:/etc/init.d/rcS
# ::askfirst:/bin/sh
# ::ctrlaltdel:/sbin/reboot
# ::shutdown:/sbin/swapoff -a
# ::shutdown:/bin/umount -a -r
# if it detects that /dev/console is _not_ a serial console, it will
# also run:
# tty2::askfirst:/bin/sh
# tty3::askfirst:/bin/sh
# tty4::askfirst:/bin/sh
# Boot-time system configuration/initialization script.
# This is run first except when booting in single-user mode.
# /bin/sh invocations on selected ttys
# Note below that we prefix the shell commands with a "-" to indicate to the
# shell that it is supposed to be a login shell. Normally this is handled by
# login, but since we are bypassing login in this case, BusyBox lets you do
# this yourself...
# Start an "askfirst" shell on the console (whatever that may be)
# Start an "askfirst" shell on /dev/tty2-4
# /sbin/getty invocations for selected ttys
#tty4::respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty5
#tty5::respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty6
# Example of how to put a getty on a serial line (for a terminal)
#::respawn:/sbin/getty -L ttyS0 9600 vt100
#::respawn:/sbin/getty -L ttyS1 9600 vt100
# Example how to put a getty on a modem line.
#::respawn:/sbin/getty 57600 ttyS2
### We moved this stuff to init.d/rcS!!!
#### Start the gme-application
# Start the GSM-Connection Utility
#::respawn:/bin/sleep 10 \; /home/heimo/gsm-uplink
# Stuff to do before rebooting
::shutdown:/bin/umount -a -r
#::shutdown:/sbin/swapoff -a
rc.config ist ein Applikationsspezifisches Startscript, das für die Aufgabe meiner Applikation Environmentvariablen setzt, die beim Starten der Applikation benötigt werden.